The highest increase of RMB 10,728/ton! The price increase letter in December is coming!
The December price increase letter arrived late In recent years, oil, gas and energy prices have soared, driving up the prices of raw materials, transportation and labor costs, and bringing serious cost pressure to chemical companies. Plastic companies including Sumitomo Bakaki, Sumitomo Chemical...Read more -
The largest in the year! Wanhua Chemical announced the price reduction!
On November 30, Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd. announced the reduction of MDI prices in China in December 2022, of which the Chinese region aggregated MDI listing price was RMB 16,800/ton (RMB 1,000/ton was reduced by the price in November); the pure MDI listed price RMB 20,000/ton (RMB 3,000/to...Read more -
The latest price increase notice of raw materials in December! Relding RMB 10,000/ton at one time!
Relding RMB 10,000 at one time! PC/ABS/PE/PS/PA price increases! The price increase letter in December is coming! Sumitomo Chemical, Asahi Asahi, Preman, Mitsui Komu, Celanese and other plastic companies have announced price increases, price increases mainly include PC, ...Read more -
Crash! Plummeting RMB 24,500/ton! These two types of chemicals were “blood washed”!
is understood that recently, the price of epoxy resin continues to decline. Liquid epoxy resin quoted price RMB 16,500/ton, solid epoxy resin quoted price RMB 15,000/ton, compared with the previous week down RMB 400-500 /ton, compared with last year's high value down nea...Read more -
Chemical products market list in the end of November
ITEMS 2022-11-25 Price 2022-11-28 Price Rise or Fall in price Yellow phosphorus 31125 32625 4.82% DMF 5875 6125 4.26% Ammonium chloride 962.5 995 3.38% Aluminium fluoride 11725 12075 2.99% Propylene 7296.6 7436.6 1.92% Calcium carb...Read more -
Chemicals rose less! Most of the major coatings such as alcohol ether and acrylic emulsion fell again
In November, OPEC entered the implementation month of production reduction. At the same time, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates, the European Union’s sanctions against Russia were about to take effect, the support below the oil price increased, the large market rebounded, and some p...Read more -
A total explosion! Supply chain emergency!These chemicals may be out of supply!
Domestic epidemic repeated, foreign also do not stop, “vigorous” strike wave to attack! Strike wave is coming! Global supply chains is impacted! Affected by inflation, a series of “strike waves” occurred in Chile, the United States, South Korea, Europe and other places, wh...Read more -
Economic countries such as Europe and the United States have fallen into “order shortage”! A large number of factories such as Shandong and Hebei stopped production!
Economic countries such as Europe and the United States have fallen into “order shortage”! The first value of the US Markit manufacturing PMI in October released by the S&P company was 49.9,the lowest since June 2020, and has fallen out for the first time in the past two years. Th...Read more -
Chemical products market list in November-Updated
ITEMS 2022-11-18 Price 2022-11-21 Price Rise or Fall in price Hydrochloric acid 163.33 196.67 20.41% Formic acid 2900 3033.33 4.60% Sulfur 1363.33 1403.33 2.93% Urea 2660 2710 1.88% Potassium chloride (Imported) 3683.33 3733.33 1.36% ...Read more -
Crisis again! A large number of chemical plants such as Dow and DuPont will be forced to close, and Saudi Arabia smashes 50 billion to build a factory in South Korea.
The risk of railway strike is approaching Many chemical plants may be forced to stop working According to a latest analysis released by the US Chemistry Council ACC, if the US railway is in a major strike in December, it is expected to affect $ 2.8 billion in chemical goods per week. The one -mon...Read more